Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 9 AM to 5 PM
Srinivas University Mangalore is a Private Research and skill focused University in Mangalore,Karnataka ,India established in 2013 by Karnataka State Act.
Presently ,Srinivas University offers under UG ,PG and research courses under 9 Faculties/insitutes with about 71 courses.The University has established networking with many industries Universities and Education service provides to substantially improve the quality and weightage of the courses and degrees respectively.
To be a trendsetter among Universities and build students who emerge as leaders with competence, conscience and compassion by empowering them with sound education and high standards ethical and professional behaviour enabling them to build and promote amore humana, just and sustainable world for future generations.
Our missiion is to provide an exceptional learning environment where students can develop and enhance their leadership and team work skills, creative and intellectual powers and passion foe learning by providing an un compromising standardof excellence in teaching,embodying the spirit of excellence to educate the citizen-leaders of society with distinction.
"Well it was Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Manglore was for me wherr iI learn how to set individual realistic targets and chalk outet credible plans to achieve the same semester after semester.That is why I was a part-time marketing manger for a media house during my MBa and then campus placement at one of the most reputed business house of India again in my final semester,go!"
"Dreams come true at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies I was from a rural place,but after I steped into Srinivas life changed for me.My confidence level went on increasing with the presentations and exposure I had in this college.The college prod ample opportunity to plan and organize a number of events.All in All A WONDERFUL PLACE TO BE IN!!!!!!!"